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The culture of an organisation is shaped by…

“The culture of an organisation is shaped by the worst behaviour the leader is willing to tolerate.” – Gruenter & Whitaker

What you allow is what will continue. Leaders must hold themselves and their teams to high standards. By tolerating poor behaviour, you set a precedent that can undermine your entire organisational culture. Lead by example and foster a culture of excellence.

This insightful quote serves as a powerful reminder that as a leader, the culture you cultivate within your organisation starts with you.

It’s a simple but profound truth – what you allow is what will continue to thrive. If you tolerate subpar behaviour, poor performance, or a lack of accountability on your team, that becomes the new normal.

On the other hand, when you hold yourself and your people to high standards, you set the tone for a culture of excellence. Your actions and the standards you uphold become the blueprint that shapes how others operate.

As a leader, you must be willing to address the “worst behaviour” on your team, no matter how difficult that may be. Turning a blind eye to poor conduct or a lack of integrity will only serve to undermine the entire organisation.

True leadership is about more than just titles or position. It’s about modelling the values, habits, and mindsets you want to see reflected in your team. If you want to cultivate a thriving, high-performing culture, it has to start with you.

Lead by example. Foster an environment of accountability, respect, and a shared commitment to greatness. When you do, you’ll inspire your people to rise to the occasion and bring out the best in one another.

The culture of your organisation is ultimately a reflection of your own leadership. Make sure it’s one you’re proud of.


Founder of the coaching & consultancy firm Kachōwa. I leverage my expertise to support businesses in their growth and transformation projects on HR-related topics.

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