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Leadership is not about a title or a designation…

Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.

Robin S. Sharma

Leadership isn’t about the position you hold; it’s about the impact you make. True leaders act with intention, inspire through example, and influence through their actions. If you want to lead, don’t just occupy a seat—take action that makes a difference.

This quote encapsulates a fundamental truth about leadership – it’s not about the position or status you hold, but the impact you make through your choices and behaviours.

True leadership isn’t conferred by a job description or organizational chart. It’s earned through the tangible ways you show up and elevate those around you.

Leaders don’t just occupy a seat of authority. They act with intention, inspire through their own example, and influence positive change through their daily actions.

Leadership is about what you do, not just what you are called.

If you want to lead, don’t wait for a promotion or fancy title. Look for opportunities to take initiative, solve problems, and bring out the best in your team.

The most impactful leaders aren’t necessarily the ones with the most status or seniority. They are the ones who roll up their sleeves, step forward, and make a meaningful difference – regardless of their position.

→ What actions can you take today to step up and lead from where you are? The chance to make an impact is always within your grasp.


Founder of the coaching & consultancy firm Kachōwa. I leverage my expertise to support businesses in their growth and transformation projects on HR-related topics.

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