When I was looking for the name for my business consulting service, I wanted to create a name shaped by my own creativity, using existing terms in Japanese.

But why choosing Japanese?
Simply because I have a deep attachment to Japanese culture and the ability of a word to evoke a multitude of images, sensations, and life experiences.

By combining Japanese words, my goal was for my business to also reflect a part of that personality and my deep appreciation for this culture that is close to my heart.

The name “Kachōwa” is composed of 3 syllables that echo to several Japanese words related to “values”, “potential”, “balance” and “harmony.”

Kachowa, what does it mean?

‘Kachōwa’ embodies a vision that highlights the balance and harmony between two essential pillars within an organisation: processes and employees.

This concept reflects my commitment to creating a structure (i.e., my consulting firm) that significantly contributes to realigning these two pillars to work towards a common purpose while fostering a harmonious and balanced environment for everyone.

My approach is based on developing a company culture that is aligned and embodied through its core values, as well as on valuing the individual potential of each employee by showcasing their unique talents. All of this is done by reinstating the role of Human Resources within the company, that is, ‘at the same table’ as Business and Finance.

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